About Us |
- 2000, marchYear Founded
- 2,0 billionAnnual Visitors
- USA and CanadaCountries Served
- New Lease, Specials
and Vehicles For SaleTypes of Postings
- 3 WeeksAvg. Lease Transfer
Company Founded in 2000, CA, USA - based TakeMyPayments.com is the web's leading marketplace for lease assumptions, trades and takeovers. TakeMyPayments was formed to assist automotive owners capitalize on the growth and potential of the Web by locating buyers capable of assuming their leases from anywhere in the country. The Company's mission is to become a market leader in the specialized arena of automobile lease industry by providing lease advice and information for those interested in exiting their current lease or assuming one.
ManagementA key management team of highly experienced and talented individuals with a combined automotive, business, legal and marketing expertise are creating the company's success.
Partner With UsIf you believe a potential business opportunity exists after reviewing our site and services, please contact us and we will be glad to discuss your ideas. admin@takemypayments.com
News CenterIf you would like to know more about our latest events or news please visit our News Center
Media RelationsMedia relations inquiries contact: Jenny Xiao JXIAO@takemypayments.ca
Visitors, like you, continue to contribute to the growth and popularity of our site. Thank you for choosing TakeMyPayments.com We wish you a speedy vehicle lease transfer.